long-, longi-
(Latin: long)
Speaking at great length: The politician was responding to questions by the TV reporter with longiloquence instead of answering questions with short and to the point answers.

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Extremely long-winded.
In zoology, long-handed; applied to certain apes.
The art or process of measuring distances.
1. Long distance; remoteness.
2. Long continuance (of time).
2. Long continuance (of time).
Having long feelers: The longipalpi are jointed sense organs attached to the mouth parts of insects, arachnids, crustaceans, and annelids.
longipedate, longipede
longipennate, longipennine
Having long wings, or quills.
longiroster, longirostral
1. Having a long beak; one of the Longirostres, a family of wading birds distinguished by the length and tenuity [thinness, slenderness] of the bill.
2. A group of birds characterized by having long slender bills, as the sandpipers, curlews, and ibises.
2. A group of birds characterized by having long slender bills, as the sandpipers, curlews, and ibises.
To bisect lengthwise and horizontally.
The longitudinal division of the body in a plane parallel with the axis and at right angles to the meson [median plane that divides a body into two symmetrical halves].
Longissimus dies cito conditur.
The longest day soon comes to an end.
Having a long tarsus. A tarsus is the first or posterior part of the foot; a collective name for the seven small bones of the human ankle, arranged in two transverse series.
In geography and astronomy, length; the angular distance east or west of the prime meridian that stretches from the north pole to the south pole and passes through Greenwich, England: Longitude is measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds.
1. Length; relating to longitude or length.
2. Extending from the top to the bottom of something.
3. Relating to development over a period of time
2. Extending from the top to the bottom of something.
3. Relating to development over a period of time